Safeguarding your prostate is of crucial importance because your prostate plays an important role in your sexual vitality, your urinary, health, your sleep quality, and overall quality of life.*

As a man, you need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to make sure your prostate stays healthy, including seeing your healthcare practitioner regularly. But many men wonder what else they can be doing.

How can a man be proactive with his prostate health? Prostate health supplements are a great way to take control of your prostate health, but not all such supplements are made the same.

So to help you make the best decision for your health and wellness, we have prepared the following comparison review that measures the merits and drawbacks of two popular prostate support supplements: Prostate SP and Swedish Flower Pollen.

What is Prostate SP?

Prostate SP Prostate SP

Prostate SP is a high-quality prostate support supplement that utilizes only natural ingredients. By using only pure, natural ingredients, the manufacturers have effectively reduced the risk of negative interactions for the user.*

The formula for Prostate SP includes ingredients that have been proven to benefit prostate health or men’s general health in one way or another. Such ingredients include pygeum extract, green tea extract, maitake mushroom, and more.

Prostate SP works by alleviating nocturia and improving overall urinary health. It can also help reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and lessen the severity of such a condition.

This supplement comes in capsule form and the recommended dosage is just two capsules daily.

Take Control Of Your Prostate Health With Prostate Sp Buy Now

Prostate SP Key Benefits

  • Prostate SP ingredients are natural
  • Free shipping on every order
  • Reduces BPH symptoms
  • Improves urinary health
  • Urinary Problems Linked to Prostate Health. It helps the user avoid urinary infections.
  • Maintains sexual health

Prostate SP Potential Side Effects

Because Prostate SP is made from natural, well-tolerated ingredients and the supplement is made in sterile conditions, there is little risk of adverse side effects. None of the Prostate SP reviews from confirmed users mention that the product causes side effects.

What is Swedish Flower Pollen?

Swedish Flower Pollen Swedish Flower Pollen

Swedish Flower Pollen is also a prostate health supplement, but instead of having a variety of natural ingredients in its formula, Swedish Flower Pollen only has one. So the entire efficacy of this supplement hinges on whether or not Swedish flower pollen as an ingredient can benefit prostate function.

Swedish flower pollen is the only ingredient in the formula, yet the producers claim it can support prostate function and even benefit liver function.

This supplement is supposed to work by influencing prostate cell metabolism and regeneration. In other words, this supplement can help your body generate new, healthy prostate cells.

The recommended dosage for Swedish Flower Pollen is 3 capsules a day for the first three months of use. Then, you can lower the daily dosage to 2–3 capsules.

Enhance Prostate Health With The Power Of Swedish Flower Pollen

Swedish Flower Pollen Benefits

  • Improved liver function
  • It may support liver function
  • Antioxidant support
  • Allergen-free production

Swedish Flower Pollen: A Natural Approach To Prostate Support

Potential Side Effects

Swedish Flower Pollen only has one active ingredient, which may reduce the user’s risk of negative side effects. Still, some users may be allergic to Swedish flower pollen, so talk to your healthcare practitioner before taking this supplement.

Prostate SP vs. Swedish Flower Pollen: Comparison

Mechanisms of Action

  • Prostate SP – Prostate SP utilizes antioxidants to fight the negative effects of free radicals on the prostate gland. It also supplies the prostate with essential minerals to regulate urinary flow, erectile function, and more.
  • Swedish Flower Pollen – Swedish Flower Pollen also uses antioxidants and is supposed to work by providing nutrients that the body uses to produce healthy prostate cells.*


  • Prostate SP – According to scientific research and the comments of confirmed users, Prostate SP is likely to be effective for alleviating nocturia – frequent nighttime bathroom visits. There have also been claims that this supplement improves sexual function and even restores libido.* The ingredients in the supplement are also likely to be effective in lowering the user’s risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia.*
  • Swedish Flower Pollen – Swedish Flower Pollen reviews mention that the product is effective in helping completely evacuate the bladder.* It should be noted that some users have stated that they use other supplements in conjunction with Swedish Flower Pollen so that the effectiveness may be muddled.*

Safety & Side Effects

  • Prostate SP – There have been no reports of side effects related to Prostate SP supplementation. This supplement is produced in the US under strict manufacturing regulations, which likely reduces the possibility of allergens and contaminants entering the capsules.
  • Swedish Flower Pollen – Swedish Flower Pollen is also produced in the United States – Scotts Valley, California. Like Prostate SP, there have not been any reviews of Swedish Flower Pollen that mention any serious side effects.

Ingredients & Composition

Analyzing the formulas of two supplements is the best way to tell which one may be right for you. To that end, please take a look at the following ingredients comparison table:

Prostate SP Ingredients

  • Tomato Powder – Tomato is a rich source of phytochemicals such as lycopene. Lycopene has been identified as a substance that can significantly reduce a user’s risk of developing serious prostate issues, according to the National Institutes of Health
  • Maitake Mushroom Extract – Maitake mushroom consumption has been linked to improved prostate resilience. The Pubmed staff reports that maitake extract may help kill off dangerous cells that could harm the prostate and limit overall oxidative stress in the prostate.*
  • Nettle – Nettle is a botanical extract that has been observed to be as effective as popular prescription medications for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Some studies also found that nettle may help slow the progression of cells that are harmful to the prostate.*

Swedish Flower Pollen Ingredients

  • Swedish Flower Pollen – This is the sole active ingredient in the formula for this supplement. According to the National Institutes of Health, Swedish flower pollen may reduce the severity of prostatitis symptoms, which can include frequent urination. So this ingredient may help improve the overall quality of life for men who are dealing with prostatitis.*

Cost & Availability

Swedish Flower Pollen is available on popular 3rd party retail sites, where it typically sells for about $16 for a single bottle. Each bottle contains 90 tablets, which is good for about a 30-day supply. Note that the prices on 3rd party retail sites can vary significantly.

Prostate SP is available on the official company website, where they offer discounts when you order multiple bottles. Here is a breakdown of the pricing for Prostate SP:

  • 1 bottle – $59
  • 3 bottles – $39.33 per bottle – $118 total
  • 6 bottles – $30.83 per bottle – $185 total

All the above options come with free standard shipping within the United States.

Support Your Prostate With Prostate Sp Order Now

Which is Better for you?

In all likelihood, Swedish Flower Pollen may only be helpful for people suffering from mild cases of prostatitis.

Prostate SP, on the other hand, can benefit men who are dealing with prostatitis and BPH.
How to Manage Prostatitis includes lifestyle changes, medication, and specific supplements like Prostate SP that can help reduce symptoms and improve prostate health.

So if you want the more comprehensive option between these two natural prostate treatments, Prostate SP may be more helpful.*


What’s the best prostate supplement?

Prostate SP is a good supplement because it can alleviate multiple symptoms of both prostatitis and BPH.

Do prostate supplements work?

The reputable ones do. That’s why you have to closely compare products and get the opinion of your healthcare practitioner.

What vitamins shrink an enlarged prostate?

Vitamin E is a helpful antioxidant for restoring the normal size of a man’s prostate, and it is in the Prostate SP formula.

Keep Your Prostate Healthy With Natural Ingredients Order Prostate SP Now

Final Thoughts

While Swedish Flower Pollen may be effective for relieving the symptoms of mild prostatitis, it may not be as comprehensive a supplement as Prostate SP. Mainly because it only has one active ingredient with limited effects.*

Prostate SP has scientifically proven ingredients that alleviate symptoms of prostatitis, and BPH, and help reduce the user’s risk of developing major and minor prostate issues. So in this comparison, Prostate SP is the clear winner.